Sunday, 2 January 2011

New Year

Gosh, Happy New Year Everyone,

What a year! Do you know I am so sick of having cancer. I am so over having this disease. I have researched so much about it, ate the right food, done the diet, changed my thinking, life and so on. Still my "terrain" my personal environment is playing host.

I have been thinking about the hostess me. What I am giving this cancer to keep it at my party? The wine, the chocolate? I know I need to take this body out and get more exercise- this is on my list of new years intentions. To get myself out there.

It is sometimes so hard to "get out there", especially as I decided to take the chemotherapy drug, Xeloda. It makes one tired, gives me the most outrageous hot flashes. One minute of nausea and intense sadness, and two minutes of heat which as all you hot flashers out there know feels like an eternity.

Do I still have the stamina to keep moving forward in this crazy god given life I have- you becha! I have found another doctor (I know one more) who has a practice associated with the Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia. I think he some ideas and treatments which will help my liver. High dose vitamin C, and Milk thistle infusions. Thank goodness there are still some options.

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