Friday, 4 September 2009

Life is Beautiful


Even though the dumpster truck has left steaming garbage on my lawn again- Jack and I just got married, and I couldn't be happier about that. The first time I was married I was so adamant about keeping my name. Now having new one is so refreshing, makes me so happy, perhaps it will give me some new mojo too. Legally I am still Felix, but once I attack all the paperwork I will be officially Mrs. Charles "Jack" Garrettson. So cool!

We were married in Maine, just last week on a lobster boat in the middle of Penobscot Bay, near "Hell's Half Acre" isn't that fabulous. Had lunch, a long nap (well we are all getting older), then had dinner at a fun restaurant. I forgot my troubles for a week, had champagne, ice cream, ate the most delicious food (not on my diet) including the best organic fresh chevre that was out of this world.

Now here in Pottstown, I am back to scheduling my MRI and bone scans, blood work (yuck) and working on my warrior self. Next week the greatest of head nurses (my mum) will be coming so that will be the best tonic for sure. With my hubby working full time at the boarding school teaching we can all keep our stress level-level.

So I am still waiting to see what medication I shall be on, and what will be the game plan next. Hanging in there and appreciating the love out there.


Pancit said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. :-) I bookmarked your blog after finding you on CSL. I was happy to find that you added another blog entry, with much happy news, no less! :-)

BaldyLocks said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful post to pop in and read. It's always nice to hear good things are happening to good people.

I'm adding your link to my blog :)