Friday, 11 September 2009


Brad a friend of mine just sent me this wonderful image of Spiderman to get some of Spiderman's mojo. I need it. Bring it on!

Today I get my MRI and next week a bone scan and blood test ( I am already sick about that) Anyway one of my dear blogger friends talked about the waiting game. It is so true, I have been waiting for I don't know how long now to see exactly, absolutely what is wrong with these bones. To confirm or unconfirm, because the Johns Hopkins doctors after seeing the PET scan confirmed bone metastasis. So what is the problem with that you may ask. Well let me tell you...

The reason for the unsure thing is that in Maine, (on holiday this summer I had increasing pain from a fall I had a two months earlier) the X-ray I had there was read to be possible bone metastasis, when we got back from our trip, I met with the the top Johns Hopkins Bone Dr. she said no couldn't be, it's bursitis- have some physiotherapy. Johns Hopkins RFA guy said doesn't look like cancer, 98 % not cancer. Then after reading the reports, Dr Bone said it is cancer always was, and RFA doc said 98 % is cancer. What? How can that be? You said before? Hey! I'm confused!

Thankfully, my new husband called his doctors who rallied around and I now have a new oncologist and GP who want to know "what is in there?" Hence the MRI and bone scan. With all this waiting I haven't just sat around on my bottom the whole time, as you read I got married (to the most wonderful man in the whole world!) in addition I started my own physiotherapy (get that blood moving!) Just learned to do Reflexology on my own feet! Switched off some of the potent pain drugs and onto a natural one White Willow Bark, which is awesome! as the oxycodone was making me very stupid, and very much in my own world- so much that I fell and put myself in bed for a week (good going!)- What else, made myself buck up, and go back to a mostly raw diet, give up salt, do the coffee enemas, detox saunas, and practice the "8 pieces of Brocade" Tai Chi exercises in the morning. I am feeling so much more awake! Hallelujah

In conclusion, friends, I need the warrior Spiderman mojo to help me through the next medical game show, and hopefully, they will agree to what is really wrong, at least 98% sure!

Then there is the lump in my lymph node in my neck. All agree "yes it is" that's a bummer. More waiting " Jeezy Creezy" as Eddie Izzard says. Tell me how do I get off this thang? I have a headache!

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