Hi There,
Looks like my body really does not like chemotherapy. Even if Gemzar and Cisplatin work in vitro, as the Nagourney assay showed, that combination does not work for me.
My PET scan sucked big time, lots of progression. While numbers and digital pictures help us gauge what is happening with our bodies in this crazy mixed up world, I refuse to let that get me down. I am taking several supplements to help halt the progression of the cancer, NAC and Quercitin, suggested by Dr. Anthony Bazzan. I need time detox from all the chemo, (which made me so sick I had to have a blood transfusion with platelets thrown in for good measure) and rethink what the hell I am going to do. I do know I am going to juice fast, then perhaps water fast while I decide what to do next. Fasting is a very powerful way to get the body to heal.