Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Working Backwards To Now

Hi Everyone!

It has been ages since I updated you all on what'sup, so much has passed, so many changes. Today however, I thought to just dig in, get on with it, and we can catch up as the months go. With that in mind I decided to work my way backwards.

I just had a most delicious salad of advocado, carrots, and tomatoes. How pleasant it is to have a salad when spring is on it's way, and the sun is shining. Winter was hard going trying to find food that I could eat that was raw-who wants a cold dinner when it is snowing outside! Naturally all the good stuff was verboten! With the help of my friend Brigitte, we came to a compromise- going halfway seemed best. A little cooked, a little raw. The middle way-how Zen! With all the research I have done, apparently we were on to something as going completely raw too quickly is not so smart- lots of gas, indigestion, nausea. It can be really hard on the body to make such a shift from "crap" food to "wunder food" If you haven't read it try and get a copy of "The Raw Food Detox Diet" by Natalia Rose is a wonderful way to get going to a more healthy way of eating, plus there is some weight loss too. Talking of weight loss, I just lost 5 lbs from a virus I caught- certainly it has given me an opportunity to look a my diet more closely as well as watch my immune system.

Lately, I have been in a bit of a funk as I realized so many of my plans have not gone the way I have expected. Has that ever happened to you? All is planned out like so, this is going to be like that, that is going to work with em - oh no - no matches at all! Hey! Argh! Hiss! After a good sulk, sometimes you just have too before the epiphany, the reality of the situation really forced me to take a much larger view, and really be more adaptive to life's shoves and nuances. Who says those plans were going to work out anyway, just because I made them were they perfect? Apparently not, not as far as the Universe is concerned.

The real jewel in the crown for sure is actually on my finger! On Valentine's Day my love "Jack" asked me if I would be his wife. It was one of the most romantic moments of my adult life. So even though I am faced with so many challenges, I have someone, a companion, and bestfriend, who wants to help me through them. That is Grace, and makes going backwards more like going forwards!

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