One of the things I recently renewed in my life has been my love of painting. This happened the other day when a special friend of mine Kathy, offered me the use of her studio while she was out of the country. I accepted, but was not really sure if I could do anything, I had been so tired- how inspired could I be. It took a while to settle down and focus, but once the paints were squeezed out of the tube the genie was out of the bottle!
I first did some very small pieces about 3 x 3 inches (that is how intimidated I was) then worked my way up to 12 x 12 inches, and finally created a work 30 x 30 inches. I would not have even done the larger one had it not been for my dear friend Charles who pushed me to get on with a challenge. Annoyed at such pushy behaviour from him I ventured up scale. I am so glad I did.
Art has the ability to give so much to the painter, as I am witness to. The special dialogue one can have with one's creativity, and sources larger than oneself can be intoxicating and rejuvenating. The last few weeks have been the happiest, and I know that joy has a very positive effect on the immune system. So while I detox in the sauna, get my old fillings removed (mercury), and try to adhere to my "new life" protocols, I added an old one...painting.
And thank you again Kathy.
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